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Prisma Classified as Essential Business

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Let’s face it, the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way we all do business. And in times like this, understanding which business sectors classify as “essential” can be confusing for many. We all know that during global issues like these, hospitals, food suppliers, and the government are easily considered essential. But what about the many other businesses out there? Does anyone else qualify? You may be surprised how many actually do! (Please note these may differ by state. We are currently using the Executive Order by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey as a reference to which businesses in our community classify as “Essential.”)

On March 23rd,  Governor Ducey released Executive Order 2020-12 “Prohibiting the Closure of Essential Services.” This order states which businesses are classified as essential in the state of Arizona, and are able to continue operating even in the instance of a statewide or city implemented, “stay at home mandate”.

• Healthcare/Public Health (this does not include physical health options like fitness and exercise businesses)

• Human Service Operations (i.e. nursing homes, shelters, mental facilities and substance abuse centers, adoption agencies, childcare, etc.)

• Essential Infrastructure Operations (i.e. food production and distribution, construction, landscape management, airport operations, and maintenance.)

• Essential Government Functions

• Essential Business Operations (i.e. stores that sell groceries and medicine, food/beverage/and agriculture, outdoor recreation activities, organizations that provide charitable services, media, gas and transportation, financial institutions, supply stores, critical trades, mail/post/shipping/logistics, education, laundry, restaurants for consumption off premises, suppliers of work from home products, suppliers of products needed for essential business operation, home-based care, residential facilities, personal/professional services, manufacturing for supply chain needs, hotels, and funeral services.)

Though the order is broad in some areas, it was released to businesses and the public in efforts to help better define the term “essential.” In it, we see that mailing, shipping, logistics, and manufacturing for supply chain needs are listed under the Essential Business Operations section. These key operations cover a majority of Prisma’s capabilities and services.

For 40 years, we have served and continue to serve the healthcare, financial, government, food service, and retail industries across the United States. In accordance with this Essential Business Executive Order, in an effort to maintain communication channels between companies and consumers, Prisma has been deemed an essential business and will remain open. Since many of our clients rely on us for their supply chain management needs through our online platform, dokshop, and our ability to mail and ship their products directly to customers, we will remain operational at this time.

We continue to stay focused on the well-being of all our employees, customers, and partners. In support of precautionary measures set in place by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) officials, we have implemented a reduced workforce plan, moving the majority of our non-production employees (including sales, marketing, administration, and dokshop positions) to telecommuting environments from their homes.

Our remote team is working diligently and continues to provide the same quality of service that you have grown to expect. But, due to our manufacturing nature, physical production personnel must continue to operate on property during these times to make sure our warehouses and services are still fully available and running daily, for the many essential businesses we support. We feel it is important to be transparent in this time with our clients, family and friends, and want everyone to know we are taking the situation seriously and proceeding with caution.

We will continue to follow CDC and WHO guidelines surrounding the virus and are working closely with state officials to determine what steps are necessary to aid in the prevention of COVID-19.

Our team is available and prepared to ensure your message is delivered. For more information, head to our website and request a quote or call our main line (602-243-5777).

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BY PRISMAMarch 25, 2020

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