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Prisma message to market

Intelligent inserting expands Prisma’s digital printing capabilities

Before your direct mail is printed, packaged, and delivered promptly to your customers, Prisma Graphic digital printing company perfects each parcel using highly advanced


technology called Intelligent Inserting.

Let’s take a look behind the scenes of direct mail, where Intelligent Inserting produces a pristine product tailor-made
to accomplish your objectives. It’s uncommon for a digital print company to have Intelligent Inserting capabilities, and
Prisma is proud to provide this cutting-edge service. In fact, Prisma Graphic is the first digital printing company in Arizona to utilize this technology, and will continue to pursue technology that is not only cost effective for us, but also our clients.

What is Intelligent Inserting?

Intelligent Inserting is the customization of selective inserting, utilizing computer and optical scanning technology. The process then intelligently collates and inserts package contents based on individual database records. By using this technology, Prisma is able to accurately match products by using optical scanning cameras.

Why is this important to you?

At Prisma, our team is devoted to producing a quality product with extreme accuracy. With Intelligent Inserting, the potential for human error is eliminated because the technology verifies each individual piece of mail, ensuring the formatting is flawless and the data is correct.

Intelligent Inserting also allows clients to customize their direct mail by printing variable messages on their envelopes. The variable message feature is beneficial to clients looking to add some additional customization to their envelopes beyond the customer’s address. This system is able to process items as thick as ½”, such as booklets, magazines and a wide array of other promotional materials. Intelligent Inserting technology uses a 2 dimensional barcode to process products for any job that requires it.  This system is so high-tech that it can match up to 5 separate pieces and insert them into the same envelope based on the barcode extremely fast.

Still not convinced?

No problem – let’s discuss some real world examples that illustrate the capabilities of this significantly advanced machine.

Let’s say a client needs bilingual mailers, one in Spanish and one in English. Based on the barcodes and data intelligence, the Intelligent Inserting machine places the different documents into the correct mailers.

Or, a client would like to send out different coupon sets that are associated with various target markets. This machine can complete multiple piece matching by correctly placing the coupons into the right mailer subgroup based on the barcode data.

This machine can process data faster than most other machine on the market. To be more exact, it can complete just over 16,000 pieces an hour. Not only is the speed exceptionally fast, but the accuracy in which the machine processes information is virtually flawless. Contact your sales rep to discuss your next project.

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BY PRISMAJanuary 17, 2013

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