Excelling as a commercial printer in an ever-evolving market takes vision. For Prisma Graphic, that vision includes providing unmatched customer service, treating every client as a partner and offering innovative marketing solutions well beyond print. Our staff views every project as an opportunity to further the success of our clients’ image, initiatives and marketing efforts.
From our 145,000 square feet of facilities in Phoenix, we provide heatset web printing, sheetfed printing and variable printing, plus full bindery, fulfillment, data and direct mail services. Additionally, Prisma has a proprietary online service called DokShop – a dynamic, online web to print solution to help clients protect their brand, produce on-demand products and distribute marketing content worldwide – all at their convenience.
We’re also very proud of our green initiatives, which include FSC certification, printing with soy-based inks, and recycling paper, cardboard, ink cans and drums.
We know you have many choices when it comes to marketing solutions. Thank you to all of our clients and vendors for believing in us and making us Ranking Arizona’s top commercial printer for the 5th year in a row. And thank you to our employees and their families for their continued dedication and hard work.
Help us stay number one next year by voting today!
(voting links to http://ranking.aznow.biz)
New to Prisma? Get started today.
(Get started today links to http://www.prismagraphic.com/index.php/contact/)
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[About us: Prisma Graphic is a full-service, marketing solutions provider with an emphasis in commercial printing that specializes in online marketing supply chain management. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and a commitment to customer service, we partner with clients to develop cost-effective programs that execute integrated brand campaigns and highly-targeted business communications. Our ongoing evolution is to deliver sales opportunities at the lowest possible cost.]